96 Pensée du jour Matthieu 2414 YouTube

Matthieu 24 YouTube

Matthew chapter 24. English Standard Version. 1 Jesus left the temple and was going away, when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple. 2 But he answered them, "You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.". 3 As he sat on the.

Matthieu 2435 Verset de la Bible

Matthew 24 - Jesus' Olivet Discourse Audio for Matthew 24: Matthew 24:1-20 - The Temple and the Key Prophetic Sign Matthew 24:21-51 - The Great Tribulation and the End of the Age A. The destruction of the temple and its implications. 1. (1-2) Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple.

Matthieu 244547 Prophétie ou parabole ? YouTube

Matthew 24 NIV Parallel Matthew 24 The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times 1 Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 "Do you see all these things?" he asked. "Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down."

Matthieu 24 5

Bible Hub Matthieu 24 Louis Segond Bible 1Comme Jésus s'en allait, au sortir du temple, ses disciples s'approchèrent pour lui en faire remarquer les constructions. 2Mais il leur dit: Voyez-vous tout cela? Je vous le dis en vérité, il ne restera pas ici pierre sur pierre qui ne soit renversée. 3Il s'assit sur la montagne des oliviers.

Le verset du jour en image EMCI TV

(24) Shall shew great signs and wonders. --Simon Magus ( Acts 8:9-11 ) and Elymas ( Acts 13:6 ) may be taken as representative instances of these false claimants to supernatural powers. So "signs and lying wonders" are the notes of the coming of the Wicked One, in whom the mystery of iniquity shall receive its full development ( 2Thessalonians 2:9 ).


24 "For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise, and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones. 25 "See, I have forewarned you. 26 "So if they say to you, 'Look, He is in the desert!' do not go out; or 'Look, He is in the inner rooms!' do not believe.

Matthieu 24 YouTube

Matthieu 24. 24. La destruction de Jérusalem et l'avènement du Fils de l'homme. V. 1-14: cf. (Mc 13:1-13. Lu 21:5-19.) 1 # Mc 13:1. Lu 21:5. Comme Jésus s'en allait, au sortir du temple, ses disciples s'approchèrent pour lui en faire remarquer les constructions.

Matthieu 1624 Ensuite Jésus dit à ses disciples « Si quelqu’un veut venir avec moi, il ne

Perseverance, And "fighting the good fight.". All three of these things are incredibly important to the life of a Christian, as we cannot get to Heaven without them! Our focus verse for today's lesson was spoken directly by Jesus, as recorded in the Gospel of Mathew: "The one who endures to the end, he will be saved.". - Mathew 24:13.

Matthieu 24, 4251

Matthieu 24:24 Versets Parallèles Louis Segond Bible Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes; ils feront de grands prodiges et des miracles, au point de séduire, s'il était possible, même les élus. Martin Bible

Matthieu Chapitre 24 YouTube

Matthieu 24:24 Louis Segond 24 Car il s'élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes; ils feront de grands prodiges et des miracles, au point de séduire, s'il était possible, même les élus. Read full chapter Matthieu 24:24 in all translations Matthieu 23 Matthieu 25 Louis Segond (LSG) by Public Domain

La Bible Verset illustré Matthieu 245 in 2021

C. Jesus describes the sign of His coming and the end of the age. 1. ( Matthew 24:15) The sign: the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel. "Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand),". a.

Matthieu 2468 Les prophéties bibliques sont

Matthew 24:24-26 — New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95) 24 "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. 25 "Behold, I have told you in advance. 26 "So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, or.

96 Pensée du jour Matthieu 2414 YouTube

Matthieu 24 Louis Segond 24 Comme Jésus s'en allait, au sortir du temple, ses disciples s'approchèrent pour lui en faire remarquer les constructions. 2 Mais il leur dit: Voyez-vous tout cela? Je vous le dis en vérité, il ne restera pas ici pierre sur pierre qui ne soit renversée. 3 Il s'assit sur la montagne des oliviers.

Matthieu 2413 Verset de la Bible

Matthew 24 NIV • NLT • ESV • KJV • NKJ • NAS BSB Parallel Chapters Temple Destruction and Other Signs ( Mark 13:1-8; Luke 21:5-9) 1 As Jesus left the temple and was walking away, His disciples came up to Him to point out its buildings. 2"Do you see all these things?" He replied.

Matthieu 2421 fls Car alors, la détresse sera si grande qu'il n'y en a point eu de pareille

24 Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 "Do you see all these things?" he asked. "Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down." 3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately.

Matthieu 2424 Distinguer le vrai Christ de faux

confort chapitre 24 | Evangile de Jésus-Christ selon saint Matthieu 01 Jésus était sorti du Temple et s'en allait, lorsque ses disciples s'approchèrent pour lui faire remarquer les constructions du Temple. 02 Alors, prenant la parole, il leur dit : « Vous voyez tout cela, n'est-ce pas ?

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